Saturday, March 3, 2012

Grandma's House

Hi again! Now I have some pictures from my Grandma's house. So far I've went on a boat trip and I went to see the manatees! This will be a shorter post but I also have some news.

I have 200+ Views!

You might have seen it on the ticker gadget I put up yesterday, but thank you guys (and gals) so much! Anyway, some more news from my friend David. He auditioned for Harrison a while ago, and today he found out the results. He texted me saying..."I GOT IN!". He was pretty excited that he made it too.

All right, going back to my visit at my Grandma's. The pictures are here!

Mother and baby manatee.

Saw these manatees together near the fence in the water. The fence blocks off the powerplant waters from the boat commotion. During manatee season, there's signs that say "Idle Speed, NO WAKE". 


When you first come out from the sea-side neighborhood you see this. It takes about 5-7 minutes to get out here since you have to go so slow. But once your out, you can go as fast as you want.

Grandma's backyard.


  1. Tell your friend David that I said, "Great!" My friends auditioned, too. They may have gotten there results already.
